Home Birth & Fresh 48

new life

After having my own children I became obsessed with birth. My experiences where not what I had envisioned them to be and this truly changed me as a person. It is, I believe to be the most powerful time in a womans life, regardless of whether you have a natural delivery, assisted or c-section.

You will never experience a feeling like the first time you meet your new little baby, that smell, that soft touch, that cry, that overwhelming emotion...

The gift of childbirth and the hours afterwards are something I am truly passionate if not obsessed about. If you are planning a home birth and would like to capture some of the most amazing moments in your life, in a beautiful and dignified way then please get in touch, I would be happy to chat to you about it more.

Likewise if you'd rather not capture the birth but would like to capture those very special first few hours, the new skin, the tiny hands and feet, the moments other family members meet the new little bundle of joy., get in touch.

I am based in the midlands just outside Mullingar town in Castlepollard Co. Westmeath, serving surrounding areas, Athlone, Oldcastle, Meath, Cavan, Longford

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